
作者:泰戈尔    发布于:

爱好:🙋🏻‍♀️ && 🖐💻🤚

my works

repository description languages
worktools something really useful for daily work. Python, shell
Effective-Python 59个编写高质量Python代码的中文翻译版。 plain text
dbhelper2 轻量级数据转换框架,SQL-rows => Object<T>/List<T> Java
sword-to-offer rewrite almost all samples. Python
gorequests a simple web request wrapper client. Golang
cache common cache and lru cache supported. Golang
ipservice translate ip to area with ipipfree.ipdb golang, python, shell
reloader just a simple demo like supervisor. Golang
commands commands in golang, like the lib of commands in Python Golang
spamcheck spam words checker based on nbclassifier Golang, Python, PHP, Shell,
mailer client for sending mails. Golang
reveive-mails receive mails in terminal. Python
getpass2 A better lib compared with standard ‘getpass’ in Python, easier and simpler to use. Python
kindlefeeder send files to my kindle paper white 3. Golang
gist Gist CRUD in terminal. Golang
pubsub simulate pub/sub in Redis. Golang
colorme try making your console text colorful. Shell
vs-trans a visual studio code extension for translate text selected. TypeScript
wordcount a visual studio code extension for word counting. TypeScript
apimonitor api monitor based on nginx error.log python, shell
wx 基于Flask实现的微信公众号后台。 Python
str-format string template in node.js JavaScript
csdn-blog-backup-tool useful tool for backing up your blogs of CSDN. Python
redis-scavenger Scavenger for Redis cleanup. python
fuck-login contribute for zhuhu.com. Python
guitar guitar chords practice with sansiro-me JavaScript

job hunting

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  1. 1. my works
  2. 2. job hunting

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